Domainbox Industry News

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Trademark Clearinghouse Claims Functionality Goes Live

In a statement, ICANN have announced that the 'Trademark Claims support services for the Trademark Clearinghouse' have been launched.

The Trademark Clearinghouse is an important aspect of the New gTLD process. It is designed to help prevent cybersquatting and protect trademark holders during the sunrise launch phase of New gTLD delegation.

Trademark Clearinghouse has been encouraging our domain resellers to stay up to date with any news relating to the New gTLD process and the Trademark Clearinghouse. Your customers are going to be very interested in New gTLDs. Those of them who are business owners will be interested in how the Trademark Clearinghouse can help them!

The services that were launched are as follows:

'Transmission of Domain Name Label (DNL) List.'

Registries now have access to a list of test labels which are subject to claims based on the records which already exist in the Trademark Clearinghouse.

'Claims Notice Information Service (CNIS) Lookups.'

Registrars can now see information about Trademark Claims, which in turn can be shown to registrants who attempt to register an infringing domain name. This is what will really make the TMCH effective. This real time communication will give registrants the opportunity to cancel registrations which are likely to infringe on a trademark held in the TMCH.

'Upload of the List of Registered Domain Names (LORDN).'

'Registry operators must upload their list of domain names registered during the Trademark Claims period'

Every New gTLD registry will have to 'offer a Trademark Claims period of at least 90 days'. This will help protect trademark holders for the initial launch period of any New TLD. We've discussed this system in more depth in a previous news article - Trademark Clearinghouse Explained for Domain Resellers.

This is an exciting concept which is going to help provide security for businesses during the New gTLD delegation process.

It really is a major selling point. If our domain name resellers wish to take advantage of the New gTLD process and the Trademark Clearinghouse, early education may be key. Make sure your customers are aware of the changes that are about to happen and advise them why they should be taking it seriously!

Follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook and circle us on Google+ to make sure you stay up to date with all the latest New gTLD and TMCH news!