Domainbox Industry News

Monday, October 17, 2011

Nominet UK Domain Auctions

A domain is only worth as much as you deem it to be, but if a recent auction by Nominet, the company that runs and manages .UK domains is anything to go by, then short letter domains are of considerable value to a brand.

The non-profit organisation who run this registry, auctioned off a number of single and two letter domain names to raise a three million donation for the Nominet trust. A lot of the most valuable domains were grabbed at sunrise stage by big businesses including Richard Branson’s Virgin, who obtained, and British Airways who laid claim on these domain names will only strengthen their brands as they are far more memorable for people to keep in mind, not to mention being quick to type when on the go.

"We’ve been grateful for the participation of the Internet community in making this process a success, We were determined that the release of these domains was as fair, transparent and orderly as possible. The revenue raised for Nominet Trust was at the top end of our expectations." said Nick Wenban-Smith, Senior Legal Counsel for Nominet.

The Nominet trust works for a safe and accessible internet for all, and helps improve the lives of people in and around the UK, aiding the work of community projects.

"The internet is a powerful tool for social good. The funds will be invested in charities and social enterprises that use the internet to support vulnerable people, improve health and well-being, encourage entrepreneurship, and promote education and literacy," says Annika Small, Director of Nominet Trust.

The average cost of one of these short domains at auction came to a massive five thousand pounds, helping Nominet to achieve a total input in the Trust this year of seven million pounds, no mean feat.

As a domain reseller, a .UK domain, whether it be a .ORG.UK, a .CO.UK or any of the others offered by Nominet, is a great one to have as part of an arsenal of extensions for your customers. They are deemed to be sites from the UK and are often seen to be more beneficial to local brands.